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We like to think that we are acting rationally, considering the elements of a situation objectively and drawing logical conclusions. But we are not as smart as we think. We like to think that we are acting rationally, objectively considering the elements
Few people know that Google has special keywords and operators that help us extract specific information from their huge database.
Banks and state-owned companies will be banned from using foreign messengers
Fraudsters are constantly coming up with new scams. We selected the most popular of them and made the top.
Basic recommendations for dealing with collectors, without rudeness and in accordance with federal laws.
You need to correctly answer unfamiliar calls so as not to become a victim of fraud or identity theft. Proper behavior when receiving unfamiliar calls will help protect you from potential threats and protect your personal information.
Why are people afraid to say the word "YES" on the phone? The reason is in telephone scammers who lure out the word "yes" and use it for their own purposes.
Free and easy methods, it will not be difficult for an ordinary user to use them to search for information, please note that their use will not lead to any consequences.
In their schemes, scammers have begun to increasingly resort to substituting a phone number, we are analyzing the possibility of such an attack and methods of protection
Options for detecting paid subscriptions on a mobile phone for later disconnection
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79655208611 Звонит какой то пьяница и ругается матом 79030029449 Аферист. Представился телемастером, забрал ТВ якобы в сервис и исчез. На связь не выходит. 420605043781 Мошенники 79818658247 Не выносимо ,звонят с одно и тоже места ,каждый раз с разных номеров , и ещё сбрасывают. Мошенники 79771162394 Эта женщина постоянно всех посылает и говорит глупости, как ещё её не забрали куда нибудь в дурку
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+213661997512 | Type - Cell phone | Region - Алжир | Mobile operator - Mobilis | Country - Алжир +79122306057 | Type - Cell phone | Region - Свердловская область | Mobile operator - МТС | Country - Россия +79645785111 | Type - Cell phone | Region - Москва | Mobile operator - Билайн | Country - Россия +79139233037 | Type - Cell phone | Region - Новосибирская область | Mobile operator - МТС | Country - Россия +79646200249 | Type - Cell phone | Region - Москва | Mobile operator - Билайн | Country - Россия
Latest articles
How to detect paid services and subscriptions on your smartphone and disable them How to replace a phone number, protection methods How to punch a phone number yourself Why you shouldn't say "YES" on the phone How to answer unknown calls